About DVE
Dillon Valley Elementary School is a bilingual, International Baccalaureate elementary school nestled in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. Each day, staff members invite and challenge 419 Pre K-5 grade students in a safe, respectful, inclusive learning environment. DVE is a dynamic learning environment for staff, students, parents and community members. We are a Professional Learning Community and we are committed to continuous improvement. We strive to be clear about what students need to learn. We develop systems to monitor students’ learning and we respond in a variety of ways when we detect that students may not be reaching their potential. We work hard to offer an engaging learning environment infusing the curriculum with hands-on, real world applications. Students learn to collaborate and co-operate while working to their greatest potential.
“A wonderful place to learn and grow.”Our goal is to educate the whole child. Through our character education program we promote internationalism and the International Baccalaureate (IB) attitudes that lead toward the development of a caring learner.
Valuing all Language Learners Equally (el Valle) we embarked on the inaugural year of the Dual Language Academy in 2005. Our program goals are to: graduate students who are bilingual and biliterate ensure high academic achievement and instill sociocultural competence.
At DVE we are: caring, thinkers, reflective, inquirers, balanced, open-minded, communicators, risk-takers, knowledgeable and principled.
Mission Statement
Dillon Valley’s mission is to understand and respect different cultures by developing high achieving, curious, lifelong language learners who take action to create a more peaceful world.